Celebration of Life - A Tribute to Ryker, Alexey, and Megan.
On July 29th, the HighOnLife team, their families, and their friends all gathered to commemorate the lives of Ryker Gamble, Alexey Lyakh, and Megan Scraper, who we lost in a devastating accident early this July. The celebration of life was held in Vancouver, at Stanley Park, a beautiful outdoor venue befitting the lives of those we lost.
The event was open to the public and had over a thousand people attend. Mostly friends and family, and a heck of a lot of neon HighOnLife tank tops in the crowd. For all those unable to attend, the whole ceremony was live-streamed on the HighOnLife YouTube page (video below) and is still online.
The stage was set up in the morning with the help of the HoL crew (and many volunteer assistants) and by 5 pm, everything was in order to get started.
At approximately 6 o'clock, we got underway. The evening consisted of several tribute videos for the three of them, as well as speeches from various family members, other YouTubers, Parker, and an inspirational speaker.
As the sun started to dip down beyond the horizon, the live band was playing their closing songs, and everybody began packing up for the night.
Special Thanks to: